How to pack, move and not go crazy – Tetris level master!

I have moved a few nice times in my life. In total, I lived in 4 rented places. I shared one with my friend. In Warsaw, I lived in 2 rented places. The first one was shared with the owner of the apartment, and the second one was already independent after a few years spent in Lodz. I was walking between these two cities. I would add 3 more places to this collection that I shared with my partner.

As you can see, I am in a fight! 😅

Here are some information that helped me organize myself every time:

Cartons and containers in which you pack your things – I usually bought them in Ikea and Castorama in several sizes. There are typically moving ones available that are very stable and can withstand a heavy load. Sometimes I also wandered to a nearby store, asking if there were any strong cartons I could use.

  • foil, paper for protecting plates, dishes that are fragile. I used old newspapers and stretch films and it works perfectly. I know that the film is not a super eco solution, but I did not always have enough paper at hand to protect everything.
  • a folding platform trolley, on which you will pack all this on the way to the car and save your spine. I chose Stanley because it was in the nearest store, but you can look for others.
  • Ikea bags (blue and transparent with zipper), which are very strong and roomy.
  • vacuum packaging bags – for packing bedding, quilts, pillows, winter jackets. It will take much less space. Generally, I recommend using vacuum bags for storage at home. I use them for bed linen when I exchange winter duvets for summer ones. You will find them in Ikea in different sizes.
  • suitcases – to pack clothes or books. This is the second solution I recommend very much, because it is much easier to transport books on wheels.
  • smaller boxes – for packing books – if you have a lot of them and are not able to fit them in your suitcases. I advise against packing in large boxes – because you will not carry them later.
  • covers for clothes – this way i saved myself from packing dresses and coats – i put a few hangers in one cover and in this way i carried them hanging in the car so that they do not crumble.
  • Original boxes of household appliances – knowing that I will move, I stopped boxes after purchased equipment such as iron, printer, TV, vacuum cleaner, coffee maker, etc. To use them again later. These boxes always have Styrofoam inside, which is a security for the equipment, so it is safe.
  • adhesive tape for sealing boxes.
  • black marker to describe the box. It is best to describe the sides of the cartons, not their covering, because if you put the cartons on top of each other, you will not know what is in them.
  • packing dishes and things from the kitchen – to optimize the amount of cartons – pack one thing into another. Arrange it so as to optimize the place. You will save yourself the amount of cardboard that you need to carry. I packed most of the things from the kitchen in transparent plastic containers with lids, which were supposed to stay in them a little longer – for over a year.
  • packaging in categories – this will make it much easier to unpack. Describe the carton as succinctly as possible, e.g.: Bed linen, towels, glasses, cups, chemistry, food products from the kitchen (but here i recommend eating everything before moving:), especially things in the refrigerator. Loose products will survive transportation without any problems.
  • coffee machine – this is the penultimate thing i packed into a☕️ carton
  • vacuum cleaner – as the last one taken. at the end of the day, i cleaned the apartment.
  • small bottles of water – they will be useful when wearing 💦 cartons
  • DO NOT take unnecessary things with you, damaged things that you do not use – you will unnecessarily use energy, time and money.


It is crucial to organize the team. unless you can do it yourself. 🏋️ you can use the company that will transport you all the things, including packing all the cartons in the car and unpacking them in a new place.

I always organized it in my own way and helped me with it my friends, my partner and my brother.

Most of the things I took from Warsaw apartment alone using a magic cart. This made it much easier to carry things in the elevator to the car. And the last course, using two cars, we made with my brother. The previous ones with the most necessary minimum was successively transported to Belgium or sent by courier.

By packing your whole world into cartons and containers, you have a great opportunity to review things, because you have to secure and take them in hand. This is a great time to verify! I highly recommend. In this way, I reduced quite a lot of things transported from Lodz to Warsaw. Then I minimized myself further, but it came naturally seeing how many things I really needed and how many of them I really needed. Moving out of Warsaw, I gave a few frames with graphics in good hands. The clothes were sold and returned where they could be useful, and some books found new homes. The things I wanted to keep I brought to my parents and there they are waiting for me.

In harmony with me – it was very factual to review everything. As I changed over this time, my needs changed, which translated into the quantities and things I wanted to continue to accompany me on my further adventure called life.

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I search for properties that can be your second home or can be an investment that will work for you. With love for interior design and design brands, I will prepare a house for you, ready to move in.  




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